With Kordiam, you can define and name standardized text lengths and ensure that (freelance) employees only deliver the maximum amount of text specified when using the content entry feature.
Defining Standard Text Lengths
To set the length options, go to Settings > Tasks. You must have Admin rights to do this.
Defining default lengths only works for tasks of type Text. You can either create a new task of this type or use one of the existing ones. The type of task is indicated in the task list by the grey label to the right of the task name. Once the task type has been set and saved it can no longer be changed.
Follow these steps:
- Open an existing text task for editing or create a new one.
- Activate the Text Length feature.
- Select whether you want to limit the size of the text by characters (including spaces) or by words.
- Enter data for at least one line in the table below. Enter the maximum number of characters or words in the left column and an optional label (e.g. "XL") in the right column.
- If you want users to be able to not specify the exact size then activate the "Allow empty value" option.
- Save your changes.
These text length options are now displayed and can be edited in various places in Kordiam.
Selecting and Displaying the Text Length
The text length is displayed and is editable in these places:
Edit and Display:
- On the detailed entry (aka Story Card; see screenshot above)
- Task edit widget on the Story List
- Task box on the Story List
- Notification emails
- Slack messages
- Xls download on the Tasks page
As part of the ongoing redesign process we will display the text length information across the entire application.
Limiting the Content Delivery
Once these text lengths have been defined, they will automatically limit the amount of text a user can enter in the body field of the content entry feature.
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