Many users receive story ideas by email. Obviously you can copy and paste their content into Kordiam and upload the email's attachments. There is an easier way though: Go to the Inbox page. There are three ways of getting emails into Kordiam with the help of this page/feature:
- Manual import
- Automatic import into a calendar
- Automatic import into a calendar plus into the story lists (US: story budget)
Manual Import
Every group in Kordiam has its own email address such as "". The first part of this email address ("newroom") is editable by administrators. The second part is a non-editable random code per customer.
You can see the email addresses in the section menu in the white Control Panel area.
For importing emails just send or forward emails to this address. Kordiam will regularly check for new emails and display them on the Inbox page. Please note that inboxes that have never been used or have not been used for two weeks or more are updated less regularly than "active" inboxes. The first time you use this feature you may need to wait a few minutes.
Once you see an email in the inbox list simply click on it. The email opens into the standard Kordiam entry mask. The email body becomes an attachment and the email's attachments are uploaded as attachments to the story.
Automatic Import into a Calendar
Many emails are invitiations to some kind of event that you may want to display as an appointment on the calendar pages in Kordiam.
If Kordiam understands that the email is about an event it pushes the email straight into the calendar and the email does not show up on the Inbox page.
So how do you make Kordiam "understand" that the email is related to an event or appointment?
When sending the email to Kordiam simply add the date and if applicable the time of the event in the subject line. Kordiam parses the subject line and if it detects a date it moves the email into the calendar of the section to whose email address the email had been sent
Example: If you send the email to "" then the appointment is added to the calendar of the section Newsroom.
Kordiam accepts dates in the following formats:
- UK English: Date formats or and time formats hh:mm and
- US English: mm/dd, mm.dd., mm/dd/yy and mm/dd/yyyy. And these time formats are recognized: hh:mm and
Example: An appointment on July 6th, 2012 at 4:30pm can be inserted like this (UK English):
- Test subject line 25.10. 16:30
- 16.30 25.10.2013 Test subject line
Automatic Import into Calendar and Story Lists
This third and most sophisticated level of the email import can only be used once an administrator has activated it in a group's profile.
If Kordiam has imported an email straight into the Calendar (see above) it can also be assigned automatically to the next issue of a publication platform.
Example: You forward an email about a sports press conference to including the press conference's date and time in the subject line. This email would then not just be turned into an appointment in the calendar for the Sports group. It would also be assigned to the Sports page of your website or any other publication platform defined by your administrator.
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