In addition to the pages already mentioned, there are other helpful features to make working with Kordiam even more efficient. These are:
You probably will not use these features on a daily basis but their use is worthwhile in every case, which is why you should study them more closely.
1. Create Saved Views
The Saved Views feature allows users to save a specific page with specific settings as a bookmark and to share this view with colleagues.
This post covers
- creating a Saved View
- using it and
- editing and deleting it.
Creating a Saved View
You can set up a Saved View within seconds.
First, find the link "Save this view" to the right of the control panel.
A layer opens allowing to enter the necessary information:
- Name: Define an easily recognizable name. You can edit it later.
- Groups: Views you create are visible to you and only you by default. If you want to share a view with colleagues please select the group(s) of users you would like to share it with. Please note that only internal users and not external users/freelancers can see and access Saved Views.
Using a Saved View
This is even easier than creating a Saved View:
Once you have access to at least one Saved View a link icon appears in the upper right corner .
Click on it and then select the Saved View you want to look at.
The list of Saved Views is sorted in two ways:
- All Saved Views you have created are sorted above those that other users have granted you access to.
- Within those two sections, the Saved Views are sorted alphabetically.
Editing and Deleting a Saved View
Open the menu with the list of Saved Views as if you would want to select one.
When you hover with your mouse over one of the list items a Pen icon is displayed on the right side of the menu.
Click on the Pen icon. An edit layer opens allowing you to perform these actions:
- Rename the Saved View
- Add or remove groups for which this Saved View should be visible
- Delete this Saved View via the trash can icon in the upper right corner. Please note: Deleting the Saved View will delete it for all users, not just for you.
2. Add Topics
Large topics such as elections or the Olympics cannot be covered by one story or one event in Kordiam. They comprise several, maybe even hundreds of entries.
The Topics feature in Kordiam helps you manage such topics and all their related entries.
You can find the Topics page in the "Story Planning" section.
How topics aggregate multiple entries
Topics are based on the hashtag feature.
For every topic, there is a hashtag such as #olympics14 (every hashtag must start with a #).
A topic groups all stories, events and other entries that feature such a hashtag in their description or notes field.
Topics can contain several hashtags and can thus be grouped under multiple topics.
Entering topics
Select " + Topic" in the central Add button at the top or go to the Topics page and click on the + icon in the upper right-hand corner.
Enter the following information:
- Label (e.g. "Winter Olympics 2014")
- Hashtag: Choose a telling hashtag that's easy to enter such as #olympics14. You do not need to enter a # here, because Kordiam adds it automatically.
- Groups: Select the groups that should see the Topic (this Groups menu is not visible for accounts with just one Group).
All other entries are optional:
Dates: If you are entering a topic such as the Olympics you may want to enter the start and end date. Current topics are sorted higher up in the topic list.
Entering a start or end date does not mean you cannot enter related entries prior to or after the topic's start or end. -
Color: You can choose from twelve different colors to get a more distinctive overview of your topics.
One month after the end date topics are automatically rendered inactive (see below). - Responsible: Free text field that allows you to enter responsible persons, groups, teams, etc.
- Note: Enter any information that you deem relevant.
Save afterwards.
Entering stories, events and other entries related to a topic
You can enter stories and events just like any other story/event. Simply add the hashtag of a topic in the description or note field and the entry will automatically be associated with the topic.
There is even a slightly more comfortable way: Go to the Topics page and hover the mouse over a topic. A menu pops up which let's you add a new story or delete, edit or deactivate that topic. Ohterwise, you could add a new story by klicking on the + symbol on the right side of the topic. You will get to the detailed entry page with the hashtag already set in the description field.
Viewing entries related to a topic
There are two possibilities for viewing all entries related to a topic:
- Click on a hashtag wherever you see it. If the hashtag is related to a topic the Timeline page will open in Topic mode listing all related entries.
- Go to the topic on the Topics page. When you move the cursor over a topic a menu pops up where you can edit, delete or deactivate it or add a new story to that topic. Also on the right side two icons pop up. You can add a new story by clicking on the + symbol or you can watch your topics on the "timeline" page by clicking on the eye symbol.
Different Views of your topics
You can choose between two options, a list view (1) or a graphical view (2).
The graphical view makes sense if you, like in this example (WM 2018), have topics which have a time limit. You can choose to view this on a yearly, quarterly or monthly basis.
Active vs. inactive topics
In order to keep the Topics page clean you can de-activate a topic (hover with your mouse over a topic, then select the de-activation link). Topics with an end date are automatically de-activated one month after the end date.
In the white control panel area you can select to view active, in-active or all topics.
Inactive topics are clearly marked and can be re-activated with a simple click.
3. Enter Events
Our customers typically enter events (e.g. an exhibition opening, an interview) in Kordiam.
An event or appointment is entered the same way a story would be entered using the Detailed Entry form (see How to enter a story).
There is only one difference between entering a story and entering an event:
In the upper area of the Detailed entry form, you can find a checkbox called "Add date & time".
Once this box is activated, the entry will appear in the calendar as an event/appointment.
You can also delete the time/date check box again by hovering over the Event with your mouse. A delete icon will appear.
Please note: The entry form for stories and events is exactly the same. However, depending on where you click to enter the story or event, the mask will be filled with different data. All of these settings and pre-entered data can be edited.
Stories and Events in Kordiam - what's the difference?
In a typical editorial or communications department you need to keep track of both events and appointments (e.g. a press conference) and your story lists.
Often these lists are quite redundant. Example: When you cover a football match this is a) an event as well as b) a story.
In Kordiam this football match is one single entry. There is no need to have redundant entries in your calendar and in your story lists.
Obviously you can enter stories that are not based on an event and you can keep track of events and appointments in your calendar that you do not cover. But in case an event leads to a story you just need to enter it once.
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